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Laundry Tips for People Who Don’t Like Doing Laundry

Jul. 4, 2022

Laundry has to be one of the most disliked household chores. Unfortunately, it’s one of those things you have to do both for a healthy life. The tedious and repetitive chore takes your free time and denies your time to socialize with family or even enjoy some me-time. But laundry doesn’t have to be such a draining task. If you don’t enjoy doing laundry (like most people, of course), below are Laundry tips for people who don’t like doing laundry.

1. Create a Laundry System for Your Family

Whether you wash your clothes at home or in a laundromat, you need a system that works to make life easier. The biggest challenge is collecting all the dirty items in your home before getting started with the laundry. Most household owners find the search tedious and energy-sapping.

To make things easier, get bins and place them in every bedroom or outside the bathroom. Let everyone understand their role in the laundry system. You might not appreciate the huge impact this has on your laundry chore until the system works.

Go a step further and inform everyone in the family to place socks in hampers within the dirty cloth bins. You’ll save a lot of time searching for socks under beds and everywhere else in the house. A laundry system distributes the responsibility of laundry chores to everyone in the family and eases the strain.

2. Create a Routine/Schedule

Doing laundry can easily become a problem if you don’t have a clear strategy on how to handle the chore. Everyone has a unique week, which means there’s no one-fits-all schedule. You can opt to wash your clothes on weekends or pick another day based on your work or family demands. Whatever schedule you choose, make sure the routine works for you.

3. Wash Some Items Every Day

Do you freak out thinking about the huge load of clothes waiting for you on weekends? You’re not alone. If you have kids in the house, laundry piles up quite fast, but you can solve the problem by washing a few items every day.

One of the best tips in completing big projects is to break up the task. For laundry, break down the tedious chore by washing select items every day. By the weekend, you won’t have to struggle with a huge load of laundry.

4. Use a Laundromat/ Laundry Services

With today’s hectic lifestyles, household owners have to find help to make it through life. Now that laundry takes a big chunk of your free time, consider professional laundry services or better still, use a laundromat.

The best laundromats have commercial washing machines which take bigger loads to speed up the laundry process. You can save a lot of time by using a laundromat compared to home laundry. Laundry services such as wash and fold can also save you money. The professionals know how to handle all cloth types and add much-needed convenience to your laundry duties.

5. Optimize the Laundry Process

Are you doing the laundry right? Whether you wash clothes at home or at a laundromat, you can ease the stress by doing things right. For instance, many people dread cleaning bulky bedding and delicate items.

By learning the correct laundry process, you make the process more pleasant. If you have ever damaged a favorite clothing item, you’ll of course fear washing similar items. Researching the best laundry tips makes life easier. You can wash your clothes faster and more effectively.

Ready to make laundry fun? Apply these tips and try the best laundromat in town for a whole new experience in the laundry. If you are in North Carolina, visit Laundry Unlimited laundromat in Greensboro or Charlotte and experience the difference. With our state-of-the-art Speed Queen Quantum-Touch machines, you can get your laundry done in a fraction of the time  Laundry doesn’t have to be such an arduous task after all.