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May. 20, 2021

If we ask you about your favorite tasks, ‘doing laundry’ would probably not find its place in the holy list.

Yes, laundry is a necessary evil. As per estimates, from initial prep to final folding of clothes, it takes almost 260 minutes per week to complete the whole process. So the natural question is ‘How do I speed up time spent at Laundromat‘?

It becomes necessary to discuss some remedial measures in detail. Here are 7 tips for saving time from our side.

7 Tips for saving time spent at a Laundromat

Choose an off-ish hours

People generally wish to complete the task of laundry in the morning. This is why a huge crowd is formed at those times. We suggest setting your foot at unusual hours such as afternoon, or evening.

There would not be any queues and if the venue has big-screen TV (at Laundry Unlimited, we do) you could turn it on and watch your favorite shows. Overall, following this tip would save your time significantly.

Sort before you go!

It seems tempting to just throw the clothes in a bag and sort them out at the Laundromat. Be assured this temptation (or laziness) backfires when people have to sort out the clothes at the venue while being surrounded by the sound of laundry machines.

This is why getting done with this task in the comfort of your home is better. We suggest sorting them based on color, weight, water temperature, and most importantly, size.

Take your own detergent

At Laundry Unlimited, we provide customers a one-stop solution for all kinds of supplies such as detergent, fabric softeners, bleach, and others. Even then we suggest bringing your own stuff. This is because if you have some special preference and if that brand is unavailable with us, it may eat up some of your time.

So yes, try to take your own stuff for avoiding any detour at the last moment.

Leverage the technology

In the present times, every industry is linked with technology in some way or another. Why would Laundromats be behind? You could utilize the unique technology to save a chunk of your time. For instance, at Laundry Unlimited, we have developed an app Speed Queen that makes self-service laundry even better.

You could receive notifications on the availability of a washer, or even see the progress of your laundry. Not only this you can also pay in advance through the app and book your time slot.

So try availing services of Laundromats that provide you such options. Saving time would come as a natural consequence of such a choice.

Learn how to fold clothes faster

Even though you may be doing this task for the last 50 years, chances are there’s scope for improvement. So what can you do? Just go on YouTube and find videos teaching how to fold clothes faster. Investing 10 min in watching such a video would save hundreds of hours every year you spend on folding clothes.

Try it, we promise you’d benefit largely!

Keep a large number of coins handy

As most of the laundry machines work by using coins, following this suggestion would be beneficial as you would avoid last-minute frantic searches. A better option would be searching for outlets that accept online payment (very crucial in this era of pandemic).

If possible, opt for wash and fold laundry services

Currently, most of the tedious tasks are either automated or outsourced. Then why are we still making weekly trips to Laundromats and spending 4 precious hours at the outlet?

A better option would be opting for Wash and fold services. All you have to do is gather your dirty laundry and deliver them to the Laundromats. At Laundry Unlimited, we go a step further and wash clothes using preferred detergents, fold the clothes neatly, and at last package them beautifully for picking.

The best laundromat in Greensboro

We hope you found the tips on saving time at laundromats helpful. Now if you wish to avail the best laundry services in Greensboro, head on to Laundry Unlimited Laundromats situated in Greensboro, NC, and two openings soon in Charlotte, and Winston-Salem. Both ‘self-service’ and ‘wash and fold’ services offered by us come at a reasonable price.

Thanks for reading. We look forward to associating with you!